
Showing posts from 2018


Stunts? Okay, I feel like I owe you all an apology. I have not been posting for several months, and that is a pretty big failure on my part. In my defence, I have had a health scare of a larger than I like to find at the same time as I started a new job, and I will be honest and say those things don't work well together. I looked back at some of the drafts I wrote in the last few months, and they were frankly gibberish. Or more gibberish than usual. So, stunts. I make no bones about the fact that I am much more of a trad gamer than a lot of big fate fans. I mean, I love fate, and I recognise that aspects are pretty much its unique selling point, but I also like that it takes that story game sort of feeling and puts it with a normal old-fashioned RPG. I think that if you are playing fate, then a lot of the interest and uniqueness of your pc are going to come from your stunts. They are a big part of how they mechanically define your pc and their abilities that are different fr...