How I intend to use this blog

So, I figure I should probably write out what this blog is for and how I am going to use it. First of all I am going to be writing weekly. If I promise to write more often than that then I am going to miss it too often, and I would rather be reliable and less frequent.

I will be using it one week a month to talk about a game I am writing up fully. I am going to write this eventually in long form as a real game to eventually publish, so I make no apologies that I will be thinking about and posting about it here.

I will use one a  month to write up whatever setting is taking up my thoughts that month. I need to write up the ideas for games that get into my head or I won't be able to clear them from my mind. I will probably write up a couple of thousand words of settings and the rules for fate I feel like I would need to hack into the game to make it work.

I will write a little bit about how I run fate and my advice for one aspect of the game. This will often be mechanical sorts of advice, as I am not feeling like you all need my advice on the narrative end of storytelling. This will be a bit of an essay about my experiences and how I think things can be done to have a good time.

The last week a month will be whatever I feel like. I'll just either pick one of the above to do again, or I'll do something else. Just something to allow me to write whatever i feel like I want to while staying in the structure.

Thanks! This one is basically me doing some admin for myself and so you know what the blog will be for.


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